By 1807, the park and the neighborhood that developed around it was known as Hudson Square.
The luxury apartment building is one of two nearing completion in Hudson Square.
"We're seeing more retailers in Hudson Square, several of which will be open this summer," he said.
All but a few of the 13 companies that have been moved from 1 Hudson Square, or soon will be, were affiliated with the printing industry.
The third project, called Hudson Square South and in the planning stage, will also contain 150 units.
Called Hudson Square, the $60 million complex includes 22,000 square feet of office, retail and restaurant space.
And yet real estate professionals say Hudson Square is much healthier than its vacancy rate would suggest.
Although the rising rents suggest a strong demand, the vacancy rate for office space in Hudson Square remains about the same as last year.
The church also has sought to gentrify the neighborhood, and named it Hudson Square.
Though it has gained favor with office tenants, Hudson Square remains a manufacturing stronghold.