Staub designed many homes in the prestigious Houston neighborhood of River Oaks.
In one Houston neighborhood, signs of their troubles are everywhere.
A20 How chemical waste tore up a tidy Houston neighborhood.
It is a geometric, "postmodern" structure, located in a turn-of-the-century middle-class Houston neighborhood.
Unlike other Houston neighborhoods, they survived and matured and are better places today than when built.
In 2007 South Park was one of several Houston neighborhoods with a high concentration of felons.
Although he could have ejected safely, he remained with the plane to ensure that it did not crash into the suburban homes of Houston neighborhoods.
Wyatt and his wife reside in the Houston neighborhood of River Oaks.
But the mix of commercial and residential use is not unlike many Houston neighborhoods because of the city's lack of zoning laws, she said.
From 1970 to 1978 three of the four private landfills established during that period were located in Houston black neighborhoods.