This week a House subcommittee moved to appropriate $2 billion for the coming year.
A House subcommittee also raised questions yesterday about whether private tax collection would make financial sense.
A House subcommittee voted last month to raise it by $1.25.
A House subcommittee has now begun hearings on the program.
He also cited a report by a House subcommittee that had come to a similar conclusion.
In 1949, he became chairman of the House subcommittee on independent office appropriations.
The hearing was held by two House subcommittees that deal with computers and technology.
The bill is expected to come before a House subcommittee next week, and then the full committee before the end of this month.
He later served as chairman of the House subcommittee on military procurement.
He is chairman of the House subcommittee that allocates money to the park service.