As the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee reported:
When the House reported that he had lied to a parole officer on behalf of a criminal and he was reprimanded, I moved to censure him and failed.
Houses Reported Buried Tass reported today that the mudslide had completely buried 54 single-family houses in Sharora, an agricultural center.
The House of Commons Social Services Committee has reported on the operation of the first twelve months of the new social security system.
The House of Harakamian chemists reported ?????
The House has reported a version of a higher education bill that would eliminate accredition altogether but link participation in Federal student aid programs to low default rates.
The House further reported that children under the age of 12 are restrained or secluded at higher rates than any other age group.
The House of Representatives also reported that, "the use of restraint and seclusion often exacerbates the behaviors that staff are trying to eliminate."
In 2007 the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee reported on the restructuring.
In October 2010, the House of Commons Political and Constitutional Reform Select Committee reported on the bill.