The House also removed the requirement in the bill that would mandate Amtrak to end passenger train service on currently unprofitable routes.
One highly controversial aspect of the President's initial proposal that the House removed is the repeal of the tax on dividends paid by corporations to shareholders.
Last month the House, by a vote of 238 to 183, removed from its illegal-immigration bill most provisions on legal immigration and then passed the bill.
House removes the card and is about to scold the magician when he sees his card stuck on the other side of the glass wall.
The House of Commons later removed this amendment and sent the revised Bill back to the Lords for reconsideration.
The House of Representatives and the Senate can forcefully remove a sitting Minister by a vote of no confidence.
Either House of Congress, however, may remove the Director by resolution.
If you want the House to remove Mr Santer's statement from the agenda to create more time, I will put it to the vote.
House 2 Home Network removes the costs associated with furnishing a home by bringing donated furniture to the homes of people who have recently been housed.
House removes the bullet fragments, curing the patient of his seizures but he remains agoraphobic.