Virginia's House of Burgesses established the basic legal framework for slavery in 1705.
The House of Lords found against Caparo, and established the current threefold test.
The House and Senate established a conference committee to work out their differences.
Passing an amended bill would have required the House to vote on it again or to establish a conference committee to negotiate differences between versions of both chambers.
By contrast, the House and Senate Republican bills would establish a two-step test.
The House had previously established procedures to combat bias against its own staff members.
Last month, however, with little debate, the House established a cap of $250,000 on awards for pain and suffering in all courts, both state and Federal.
I encourage the House to establish common sense and preventative action in the area of floods and flood control.
We have adopted Amendment No 26 which says that this House will establish a transitional regime.
The House would, like the Senate, establish reasonable spending limits for Congressional campaigns.