For that reason, House has chosen to turn his name into a verb to describe this act.
However, frustrated by the commission's unresponsiveness, the House chose not to provide any funds for the commission at all.
The House initially chose to do nothing to close this venerable loophole.
How each House chooses to 'pass' a Bill is a matter for its own internal procedures.
The House chose to keep the age of eligibility at 65, and seems determined to stick to that position.
If the House chooses not to impeach, as seems likely, then we must censure.
The Senate is the only hope for real reform this year because the House has already chosen its plan.
Each House shall choose such other officers as it may deem necessary.
The House chose its speaker and had sole power of impeachment.
This year, asked to make choices between good and bad environmental regulations, the House chose to suspend all of them.