The committee report was referred to the House calendar and ordered printed.
Bills are referred to the House Calendar if they do not deal with money, directly or indirectly.
Your plans and airline tickets may have to be changed or cancelled if the House calendar dictates it.
Consideration of the measure has become almost as ingrained in the House calendar as the annual appropriations process.
Foreign investors are seeking to remove a bill intended to enhance American competitiveness from the House calendar.
It is imperative that you and your parents understand that the House legislative calendar is never set in stone.
The report was referred to the House Calendar.
The House calendar shows that members are expected to vote on the "suspension calendar," generally minor bills like naming a post office.
Technically, when a bill is reported out of another committee with legislative jurisdiction, it is placed on the appropriate House Calendar for debate.
And thus far, although a crowded House calendar for the next few months is taking shape, no debate has been scheduled on the Shays-Meehan bill.