Like the Senate bill, the House one does not authorize a specific anti-missile design or appropriate money to pay for it.
The House had earlier authorized the reserve, but had not set aside money to pay for it.
The House and Senate had authorized $3 billion for next year.
The House has authorized the spending of $4.3 billion for fiscal 1993.
The House has authorized $289 billion for the military budget in fiscal 1988, which began Oct. 1.
The House authorized somewhat more money in a parallel bill.
The House authorized the investigation by a vote of 280 to 65.
The House of Representatives has already authorized $30 million to help the developing countries protect the ozone layer.
It is critical that Congress actually appropriate the full $750 million the House has authorized for the global fund.
The House would authorize just $5 billion, and create a "forbearance" process allowing hustlers to stay in business for years.