Since his first term, Clay has been a member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is probing the allegations.
So when a House Oversight and Government Ref...
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has been investigating this troubling case for months - often with...
On May 20, 2008, Johnson was questioned for three hours by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
Since January 2011, he has served as Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
As directed by the House Oversight and Standards of Official Conduct Committees, each district winner is responsible for framing his or her own entry.
The House Oversight and Investigations Committee has planned a hearing for Thursday.
The task force will give its recommendation to the full Committee on House Oversight on Wednesday.
On November 18, 2009, the bill was reported out of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee by a vote of 23-12.