When I reply to or forward messages from my Hotmail accounts, the original message disappears.
The Times did not state in its original story that the blogger's identity had been obtained by penetrating Horton's Hotmail account.
But I have a Hotmail account she can reach from anywhere.
None of my personal Hotmail accounts were affected.
If you have a Hotmail account, you're getting refinance e-mails.
The company's service allows anyone with a standard Web browser to send and retrieve E-mail using a Hotmail account.
I was just about to click "inbox" on my Hotmail account to see if anyone had e-mailed yet when she cruised into the office.
Doug Dorbuck, writing from his Hotmail account, has a question about rootkits.
Existing Hotmail accounts were changed to Outlook.com on April 3, 2013.
I didn't know what a Hotmail account was.