The audience consisted of a mere 300 people at the Hotel Ritz.
Scot recognized the façade of the Hotel Ritz in Paris immediately.
Forty years later, I was in Paris on a business trip, and my large black limousine pulled up in front of the Hotel Ritz.
Burke died on September 24, 1928 at the Hotel Ritz in Tegucigalpa.
Coco lived at the Hotel Ritz, Paris, for over thirty years.
'I could take you to this Hotel Ritz you have spoken of,' he suggested.
Hotel Ritz, 15 Plaza de la Lealtad; 521-2857, fax 532-8776.
You Americans are all the same; you expect the Hotel Ritz everywhere you go.
All the bedrooms at the Hotel Ritz are simply and comfortably furnished and have the benefit of a balcony.