Conversely, $hamrock was able to work the crowd much better and make that "hot" song.
Glee ended the second season with a total of 156 Hot 100 songs.
- 2 years 3 months ago Masquerade is such a hot song.
Usher has nine Hot 100 number one songs (as lead artist).
In three weeks it became the hottest song in the city.
This is Swift's third Hot 100 song from a movie.
The band pumped out a hot song, and Peter suddenly became aware of the mob scene around him.
Check out the latest and the hottest K-pop songs of the week!
So consumers looking for some hot new songs may have trouble finding them before the corresponding albums are released.
The director will ask for suggestions, what makes us want to dance, what's the hottest song, what is going to be fresh.