The AHA was formed by a merger between the International Arabian Horse Association (IAHA) and the Arabian Horse Registry of America (AHRA) in 2003.
Ferdinand was removed from the Japanese Horse Registry's list of thoroughbred stallions on Sept. 10, 2002.
Respected for his contributions to the Arabian horse breed in America, Babson served as President of the Arabian Horse Registry, now part of the Arabian Horse Association from 1949 until 1957.
Many of the horses are also registered with the American Indian Horse Registry.
Arabian Horse Registry of America, Inc.
The American Indian Horse Registry, established in 1961, has created five categories in which to group the horse:
There is no single characteristic typical of this type, because the American Indian Horse Registry has not just one single breed or stock but is rather a group that has developed over time in the Americas from Spanish stock.
In 1908, the Arabian Horse Registry of America was established, recording 71 animals, and by 1994, the number had reached half a million.
The International Curly Horse Organization (ICHO) began in 2000 and had over 800 horses registered in its North American Curly Horse Registry (as of Oct. 2006).
Until the formation of the Arabian Horse Registry of America in 1908, Arabians were recorded with the Jockey Club in a separate subsection from Thoroughbreds.