The Honduran Constitution prohibits political activities by foreigners, and participation in activities such as demonstrations may result in detention and/or deportation.
Some Garifuna believe that proposed changes to the Honduran Constitution will allow foreigners to buy and develop their traditional land.
Under the Honduran Constitution, Honduran citizens cannot be extradited.
The Honduran Constitution prohibits the extradition of Honduran citizens for trial in other countries.
The crisis that led to his removal from office centered around the question of whether changes would be made to the 1982 Honduran Constitution.
Article 102 of the Honduran Constitution forbids expatriating or handing over of Hondurans to foreign countries.
The Honduran Constitution forbids the extradition of Honduran citizens for crimes committed in another country.
The Honduran Constitution says no citizen can be turned over to a foreign country.
However, any charges brought under Article 239 require the observance of due process rights, such as those afforded by Article 94 of the Honduran Constitution.
The Honduran Constitution moreover stipulates that parents have the right to choose the education ; whether free or private, of their children.