A milking parlor was installed in the original horse barn to handle 400 head of Holstein cattle.
He also operated a dairy husbandry and raised Holstein cattle.
Also, another way to translate his name is Hol, a reference to Holstein cattle.
Deficiency of this enzyme is an inherited autosomal recessive trait in Holstein cattle, and it will cause death before birth.
It has been estimated that most of the world's Holstein cattle descend from Macaulay's herd.
French's herd of Holstein cattle became one of the largest and most outstanding in the United States.
The milk they sell today is produced primarily by Holstein cattle.
Once complete, it was one of the larger dairies in Arizona and used registered Holstein cattle.
White patches, typical for pied dairy breeds, do appear as well, sometimes to the same extent as in Holstein cattle.
The Holstein cattle were chosen due to their good strong feet and ability to produce milk with a high butter-fat content, allowing calves to grow faster.