I think it is important to point out inaccuracies, lest Holocaust revisionists do it for us.
I'd also argue that nowadays it is one of the most powerful rebuttals we can deliver to Holocaust revisionists.
In 1996, various individuals and organizations called upon St. Martin's not to publish a biography of Joseph Goebbels by the Holocaust revisionist David Irving.
My concern here isn't so much for Leuchter or even the Holocaust revisionists, who'll just think he was sandbagged.
Most people will be unwilling to immerse themselves in the details of history's most monstrous crime, but there is a far simpler way to rebut the Holocaust revisionists.
The most dangerous form of white anti-Semitism is the emergence of Holocaust revisionists, who would continue the millenniums of oppression.
Yet as Professor Eliach states, some Polish-American groups of Holocaust revisionists continue to deny Eishyshok.
Government may not censor Mr. Smith and his fellow "Holocaust revisionists," no matter how intellectually barren their claims.
Some of the harshest attacks were launched by Per Ahlmark, who declared Lindqvist to be a "Holocaust revisionist".