Holman Hunt also did a drawing of Sydney Morse himself, c.1897-8.
He showed me some interesting pictures, including a charming little drawing, by Holman Hunt, of one of his daughters when three years old.
Holman Hunt used the fields just south of this spot as the background to The Hireling Shepherd.
Parts of the north aisle had been painted previously to designs by Holman Hunt.
My interest in Holman Hunt extends over many years.
Would anyone ever refer to me as 'an authority on Holman Hunt'?
Holman Hunt was involved with the movement to reform design through the Della Robbia Pottery company.
Jewellery was equally important to Holman Hunt.
Phillips also studied oil painting and was a fellow student of Holman Hunt.
Her on-off relationship with Holman Hunt has been dramatised several times.