Only at the very beginning and the very end of his Hollywood years did he accept less than top billing.
"Bugsy" covers the gangster's Hollywood years, up to the time he was gunned down in 1947 at the age of 41.
She seldom granted interviews or wrote about her Hollywood years.
The Hollywood years take up the last 50 or so pages of this 313-page book and they make for fairly trashy reading.
There is no evidence of a Feydeau connection in his Hollywood years.
But when I started getting into the Hollywood years, I had so much pain there.
Well, the thing is, we've been married for eight years, which is like 50 years in Hollywood years.
Cassidy feels forced to don a new suit of armor, very similar to the one he wore during his Hollywood years, but even more powerful.
There, as she would upon arriving in Hollywood years later, she felt very much the outsider.
Wilson called his Hollywood years "a trip through a sewer in a glassbottomed boat."