How does Hollywood portray images of Africa and Africans?
The two contend that for the past several decades, Hollywood and the media have portrayed Italian-Americans in a disparaging light.
Hollywood portrays them as home to cutting-edge artists or knife-wielding psychopaths.
No one would deny that for years Hollywood portrayed blacks as comical, stupid and subhuman.
We just wish Hollywood would portray it a little more accurately.
His talks have ranged from Google hacking to how Hollywood portrays hackers in film.
Edwards is often made out to be the cruel man that Hollywood has portrayed Bligh as being.
So now, a few efforts are being mounted to get Hollywood to portray scientists in a more realistic light, as people with more complex drives and emotions.
These efforts also aim at getting Hollywood to portray the process of scientific inquiry itself.
They moved with an efficient deadliness Hollywood could never portray and which movie-going audiences would find frankly unbelievable.