For years Hollywood virtually ignored women filmgoers over 25, until films like "Terms of Endearment" awoke the studios to a sophisticated female audience.
Hollywood has also ignored the Middle West.
Hollywood has almost totally ignored black journalists, even now, when greater numbers are represented on newspapers and television news programs.
Perhaps nothing so underscores the unpopularity of the Vietnam War than the fact that Hollywood ignored it while it was happening.
And over the same period, he has had a firsthand lesson in the difficulties of selling a low-budget, independent film about an ethnic group that Hollywood has largely ignored.
Dancing With Social Change But Hollywood could not ignore the enormous social changes of the 1960's.
New Angles On Sept. 11 Hollywood has almost completely ignored it.
Although social issues were examined more directly in the Pre-Code era, Hollywood still largely ignored the Great Depression, as many films sought to ameliorate patrons, rather than incite them.
It's a topic that Hollywood generally ignores.
One might argue that it's too difficult to represent a complex system like capitalism in the typical hundred-minute movie script, but Hollywood has ignored even inherently dramatic stories.