For the game industry, that makes for a classic Hollywood happy ending.
"Hollywood Ending" which attacks the concept of celebrity and the mainstream female body image.
"Hollywood Ending" does offer a few tantalizing glimpses of the movie being shot.
But in a more fundamental way, "Hollywood Ending" gets the comic job done.
There's enough promise in "Hollywood Ending" that we're initially taken with it.
After some last-minute plot twists, she said, "there's a Hollywood happy ending."
This conviction draws her into a dangerous adventure against those who will stop at nothing to hide the truth and don't believe in Hollywood endings.
After last-minute plot twists, there's a Hollywood happy ending.
The official reason was to present his latest picture, "Hollywood Ending," at the festival's opening gala.
There are some three-hanky dramas, but some without the Hollywood endings in which good guys win.