This site is a significant example of the Hohokam culture, which lived in the broader area from about AD 1 until approximately AD 1500.
Archaeologists dispute the origins and ethnic identity of the Hohokam culture.
Around 300 CE the Hohokam culture developed in Arizona.
Another guest identified the markings as Indian petroglyphs from the Hohokam culture.
In contrast to their Anasazi neighbors to the north, the nomadic communities of the Hohokam culture are poorly understood.
The monograph offers an insight into Hohokam culture.
One of the most important contributions made by people working for Gila Pueblo was defining the Hohokam culture.
It was through this extensive research that Haury became part of the group that was to define the Hohokam culture.
Off to the south, where Phoenix is, there was the Hohokam culture who understood irrigation very well.
Large-scale production characterized the classic period of Hohokam culture from 1150 to 1450.