"In the first eight months of 1994, 61 percent of promotions were given to Hispanic employees."
But the data show that female and Hispanic employees did well in getting the new jobs.
He said the company had a harmonious work force of white, black and Hispanic employees.
Those factors would slow the mobility of black and Hispanic employees, she said.
By 1987, there were 45,834 black workers and 13,795 Hispanic employees in a work force of 138,613.
The department also listed eight Hispanic employees who hold the rank of captain or above.
Fewer than 35 percent of all educational jobs in the district are held by black or Hispanic employees.
The report said that Hispanic employees represented only 2.95 percent of the civil service work force of 77 state agencies.
For instance, the majority of Hispanic employees are in the maintenance department.
During a term in which the city workforce was reduced, the number of Hispanic employees increased by more than 2,000.