Hispanic citizens in the survey readily identified themselves by their national groups and said they were most likely to socialize with other members of their group.
That would save precious jail space and restore among black and Hispanic citizens a lost measure of trust that justice is for all.
He believes that culturally, Hispanic citizens may have a natural advantage in politics because of their strong tradition of extended families.
The Spanish response was brutal, and by 1820 fewer than 2000 Hispanic citizens remained in Texas.
Yes, Hispanic citizens, who are about 25 percent of the city's population, make up only 7 percent of the city's Congressional delegation.
Unlike blacks, who have frequently rallied around leaders or issues, Hispanic citizens have never shared a common agenda, except perhaps an interest in language issues.
Mr. Dukakis, he said, wins points for good relations with the Hispanic citizens of Massachusetts.
Black and Hispanic citizens stare into the camera without expression.
By 1820 fewer than 2000 Hispanic citizens remained in Texas.
Poverty for black and Hispanic senior citizens went up, children who were poor got poorer, the numbers in poverty doubling, higher here than anywhere else.