There are also Hindu influences in some new Western religious movements, such as the New Age movement and Wicca.
The wheel in the midst of the dome and the petals of lotus flower below the dome show strong Hindu influence.
Hindu influence can be also seen in their marriage rituals, which is a festival to them.
Hindu influence can be observed in the carvings of female dancers, which are usually not found in Buddhist temples.
This may have its origins in the Theosophical revival of present-day astrology, which had some Hindu influence.
These implied that the Kachari were free of Hindu influence at that time.
He says while Maduri is nominally Muslim, there is still a Hindu influence, as well as older, traditional beliefs.
These statues are invaluabe in helping to understand the Waithali architecture, and also the extent of Hindu influence in the kingdom.
Hindu influence is less prominent among the Gurung, Bhutia, and Thakali groups who employ Buddhist monks for their religious ceremonies.
The Jadh are followers of Tibetan Buddhism and to a lesser extent, Bön, although minimal Hindu influence can be seen.