Hindu groups then cordoned off the area and built a makeshift temple on the site before the country's Supreme Court banned further construction.
There are many Hindu groups that have continued to abide by a strict vegetarian diet in modern times.
There are some Hindu groups which may be considered animist.
That is notable: hard-line Hindu groups called for a daylong strike today, just as they did after the train attack in February.
Hindu groups lose fight to change textbooks.
Hindu groups have been preparing for the fesitival of Navrati, which celebrates the triumph of good over evil.
Hindu groups are historically not unifyed regarding the issue of homosexuality, each one having a distinct doctrinal view.
A Hindu group that has organized the Ayodhya assaults asserted that 100 or more were killed.
A Hindu group claims to have converted 2,000 tribal Christians to Hinduism.
Agnivesh has been severely criticized by some Hindu groups for statements they view as anti-Hindu.