At over 16,000ft the Himalayan pass on Gocha La is as close as trekkers from India come to Kanchenjunga, the world's third highest mountain.
The idea of anyone, or anything, moving around one of the high Himalayan passes in the middle of the night was completely ridiculous.
As Indian soldiers prepare for a possible strike across the border just a few hundred yards away, their Pakistani foes huddle behind their sandbags, scanning the Himalayan passes for the first signs of attack.
He explored the high Himalayan passes between India and Chinese Turkestan.
The altitude of the peak is 6,480 m. This peak is near to Jolingkong lake and famous Himalayan passes of Mangshya Dhura and Shin La.
They conducted trade between Nepal, India and Tibet, transporting goods over the Himalayan passes by mule train.
They have been pleading for that for so very long - ever since 1950, when the Chinese Communists enforced their claims of sovereignty over Tibet by sending armies through the Himalayan passes.
High Himalayan passes of Mangsha Dhura(5,490 M) and Lampiya Dhura(5,530 M) are situated in Kuthi valley.
Their journey showed the possibility of a direct overland connection between China and India, and the value and significance of the Himalayan passes.
The Indian military waited until December, when the drier ground would make for easier operations and Himalayan passes would be closed by snow, preventing any Chinese intervention.