Uttarkashi District town is high in the Himalaya range.
Crossing the Great Himalaya range into Zanskar, we entered a strange new world.
Their average height varies between 600 to 1200 meters, and are not so high in altitude as compared to other mountain ranges in the Himalaya range.
Both of these collision events are thought to be analogous to the collision driving modern-day growth of the Himalaya range.
Ama Dablam is a mountain in the Himalaya range of eastern Nepal.
It is centered on the Karakoram Range, west of the Himalaya Range.
It is located on a ridge at the southern edge of the Kumaon Hills of the Himalaya range.
Himalaya range, highest peak in Pakistan is Nanga Parbat (8,126 m or 26,653 feet).
This species has a highly restricted distribution in the biodiversity hotspot of the Yunling Mountains which border the Himalaya range.
The rest of Kumaon is a maze of mountains, part of the Himalaya range, some of which are among the loftiest known.