It considered quickly slapping a transcript of the Hill-Thomas hearing between soft covers, but then thought better of the idea, partly because of doubts that the case would retain public interest.
Throughout the Hill-Thomas hearings I was a legal secretary at Pepper, Hamilton & Scheetz, the firm that prepared Anita Hill for her Senate appearance.
There was ironic proof during the week of how the Hill-Thomas hearings raised people's consciousness.
C20 TV: On Hill-Thomas hearings.
But the Hill-Thomas hearings have motivated her entire campaign, which she began shortly after the hearings.
This focus on the intersection between race and gender remained prominent through the Hill-Thomas hearings, but began to shift with the Freedom Ride 1992.
She covers topics including the Hill-Thomas hearings, the O.J. Simpson trial, the Lewinsky scandal, and the political correctness phenomenon.
And solid, dispassionate investigation of the Hill-Thomas hearings would significantly advance sorely needed efforts to reform the Supreme Court confirmation process.
"I've seen him tear lobbyists apart who have given tons of money to his campaigns," said Tom Dahdouh, a staff counsel to Mr. Specter during the Hill-Thomas hearings.