Well organised and resilient, Lady Mary ran farms in Kenya and Shropshire, a house in Cheshire and the family's large Highland estate.
It's pretty good knowing someone who lives and works on a big Highland estate if you want to sort out your attitude to the big debate on stalking and access.
Mar Lodge Estate is a Scottish Highland estate in Aberdeenshire, owned by the National Trust for Scotland.
In the past the Ardgoil estate was also known as the city of Glasgow's Highland estate.
Dugald was the ancestor of John Matheson of Attadale whose grandson, John, was forced to sell their Highland estates.
Being on the side of the deer, let me say that I become steadily more dissatisfied with the anachronistic system of Highland estates and landownership.
Ghillies had been Scottish gamekeepers in the 1800s who developed such man-made camouflage outfits for stalking game-and poachers-on the great Highland estates.
Dirnanean House, another Highland estate, is nearby.
A GAMEKEEPER on a Highland estate has been charged with possessing illegal poisons.
For a Highland estate, Lallybroch was prosperous; but that was saying something only by comparison with other Highland farms.