High-school teachers across the country complain that students are neglecting their schoolwork as they work longer hours at harder jobs, and indifference by parents is one factor.
High-school teachers will recognize that there's always one in a crowd, but when the one in a crowd escapes control by jumping into the phone-lines, and becomes a hundred such kids all together on a board, then trouble is brewing visibly.
High-school teachers, unlike those in elementary school, did not have as a part of their duties the furthering of the process of Americanization that began with fingernail inspections in the first grade.
High-school teachers without seniority weren't supposed to be married.
High-school teachers sent their students to the Giang Vo Exhibition Center to practice their English with the visiting salesmen, often peppering the Americans with friendly personal questions.
High-school teacher, Huron, O. Knox, Clyde F., P.f.c. [82nd Airborne].
High-school English teachers have succeeded where a naked Demi Moore has failed: they've propelled Nathaniel Hawthorne onto a best-seller list.