Because of that, a request from, or promise made to her takes higher precedence than life itself.
If more than one functional group is present, the one with highest precedence should be used.
The "negative" operator in the above code has a higher precedence than exponentiation.
"The Council sits in Judgment, which is of the highest precedence!"
The functional groups with the highest precedence are the two ketone groups.
Similar to the conventional algebra, all - operations have a higher precedence than - operations.
An indications and warning (I&W) bulletin would require higher precedence than an annual report, for example.
If multiple records tied for highest precedence, the map position most frequently indicated in those records was used.
Thus, a baron-grandee enjoys higher precedence than a marquis who is not a grandee.
Note: Persons listed in italics have higher precedence elsewhere in the table.