That, unfortunately, is all but impossible under the present provisions of the Helms-Burton law.
The next month, Congress passed the Helms-Burton law, codifying the embargo and adding sanctions.
The Helms-Burton law, aimed at some foreign companies that do business with Cuba, was another sore point.
The passage of the Helms-Burton law last year only added to the company's problems.
The Helms-Burton law has been a source of conflict between the United States and its traditional allies for nearly a year.
At the same time, officials in Canada, Mexico and Europe remain critical of the Helms-Burton law.
The European position on the Helms-Burton law is the right one.
I am therefore delighted with the announcement that we have just had, stating that the Helms-Burton law was on the agenda.
Of course, the Helms-Burton law has been mentioned.
I would like to make a final observation regarding the Helms-Burton law which, Commissioner, we have discussed many times.