The Hellenistic philosophers' observations about nasty emotions are not wholly compelling.
The Hellenistic Jewish philosopher Philo identified the angel of the Lord (in the singular) with the Logos.
Existential therapy has its origins in applied philosophy, where Hellenistic philosophers used the Socratic method to reveal truths about personal dilemmas.
He wrote apologetic works explaining Christianity in terms that would be palatable to educated people who still practiced the traditional religions of the Empire, while defending Christian beliefs against the criticisms of Hellenistic philosophers.
Zeno of Citium, Hellenistic Stoic philosopher from Citium, Cyprus (b. 333 BC)
Hellenistic philosophers (viz., the Stoics and Epicurians) diverged from the Classical Greek tradition in several important ways, especially in their concern with questions of the physiological basis of the mind.
Thus, clear unbroken lines of influence lead from ancient Greek and Hellenistic philosophers, to medieval Muslim philosophers and scientists, to the European Renaissance and Enlightenment, to the secular sciences of the modern day.
Clear, unbroken lines of influence lead from ancient Greek and Hellenistic philosophers, to medieval Islamic philosophers, to the European Renaissance and Enlightenment.
Astrology was criticized by Hellenistic philosophers such as the Academic Skeptic Carneades and Middle Stoic Panaetius.
Indeed, for Hellenistic philosophers claiming that at least one thing is certain makes one a dogmatist.