The Hebrew phrase used here (be-tahtit ha-har) evidently means that they encamped at the foot of the mountain.
The Hebrew phrase translated "stands firmly ... against" has the basic meaning of being strong, holding fast, and restraining.
He learns some Hebrew phrases.
Many of these artists have been influenced by Jewish music and often incorporate Hebrew phrases into their lyrics.
She translates the Hebrew phrase, from the prophet Jeremiah, as "heal us."
The concept of a Sinaitic covenant is further expressed through such Hebrew phrases as:
Public discourse in Israel is suddenly dominated by a new, high-toned Hebrew phrase, "hadarat nashim," or the exclusion of women.
The exact meaning of the Hebrew phrase is not certain, but some have suggested that it refers to supply depots on or near the frontier.
The word "ba'al" is also used in many Hebrew phrases, denoting both concrete ownership as well as possession of different qualities in one's personality.
Immediately following the Arabic phrase would be a Hebrew phrase that said, "Are you already against it without even knowing what it says?