He was commander of the division during the Battle of Heartbreak Ridge.
While they worked, the division's three infantry regiments-9th, 38th and 23rd-launched coordinated assaults on Heartbreak Ridge and the adjacent hills.
For this reason, Heartbreak Ridge was the last major offensive conducted by U.N. forces in the war.
It was 2 years until Heartbreak Ridge (1986).
In so doing he has even revived a type of patriotic war movie you might think went out of fashion for all time with "Heartbreak Ridge."
Even "Heartbreak Ridge" was something of a disappointment considering the enormous popularity of its star.
The movie referred to by Sixx could have been Heartbreak Ridge from 1986.
This is his richest, most satisfying performance since the underrated, politically lunatic "Heartbreak Ridge."
Their next objective was a hill mass just to the north, near Pia-ri, which would come to be known as Heartbreak Ridge.
The title comes from the Battle of Heartbreak Ridge in the Korean War.