The place was opened as Queen's Head Tavern in 1763, by Samuel Francis, who later changed the spelling of his name.
The King's Head Tavern, now a Victorian building with a theatre, has remained on the same site, opposite the parish church, since 1543.
During the Revolution it was a hotbed of Tories, with the Bull's Head Tavern, established in 1741, as its center.
Various versions of the community's namesake Bull's Head Tavern existed into the 60's.
Sandy also owns the Hunter's Head Tavern in Upperville, Virginia.
Mistress Quickly - hostess of the Boar's Head Tavern.
A club of artists, including William Hogarth, met at the Bull's Head Tavern in the market.
Ms. Moss led them down Third Avenue and into a neighborhood bar, the Bull's Head Tavern.
The setting for the entire evening is the Boar's Head Tavern, which, as we are told in a program note, was licensed as a theater.
Covent Garden was not spared, and the Shakespear's Head Tavern was raided.