Other Activities Scenic walking: Haystack Mountain, a mile north of Norfolk on Route 272.
The slope's name is Needle, an intermediate run down the face of Haystack Mountain.
Travelers faced even greater dangers descending Haystack Mountain, due to its steeper grade, near present day Sunset Drive.
Haystack Mountain is on the south side of the Narrows.
At Haystack Mountain, whose entrance is just a short walk from the town center, hikers can bound up steps carved into the rocks to a 1,677-foot summit.
Haystack Mountain, which is nearby, is being developed as a private ski area and is not open this season.
It took its name from its original location near Haystack Mountain, in Montville, Maine.
At Moose Curve, the road curves sharply at the bottom of Haystack Mountain, and traffic accidents are common.
I-68 ascends Haystack Mountain, entering the city of Cumberland.
Haystack Mountain may refer to any of the following places in the United States: