For Hayden White, tropes historically unfolded in this sequence: metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and finally, irony.
It has been highly influential in the philosophy of history, and for historicists like Isaiah Berlin and Hayden White.
Like Hayden White and "postmodern" historiographers, Jenkins believes that any historian's output should be seen as a story.
Bibliography of Hayden White.
Thus for example Hayden White has explored how 'Freud's descriptions tally with nineteenth-century theories of tropes, which his work somehow reinvents'.
In particular, in metahistorical romance, poststructuralist play invokes the "historical sublime" as defined in the work of Hayden White.
On the second page of his Introduction Hayden White stated:
Historiography and Historiophoty by Hayden White.
Hayden White, a professor of comparative literature at Stanford University, defended Mr. Morris's approach.
The power of language, more specifically of certain rhetorical tropes, in historical discourse was explored by Hayden White.