Rehearsals were held at the Hilton Hawaiian Village while the main set was being constructed.
All 521 rooms are oceanfront, ideal for the Friday fireworks at neighboring Hilton Hawaiian Village.
The massive, high-class complex of the Hawaiian Village really is a world within itself.
But this spot in front of the Hilton Hawaiian Village is never crowded.
The Hilton Hawaiian Village is adjacent to the lagoon.
At the Hilton Hawaiian Village, the largest hotel in Waikiki, two of the five hotel towers have essentially been closed.
Both races end at the Hilton Hawaiian Village; the lookouts on Diamond Head are the best vantage points.
He estimates that Hilton's Hawaiian Village in Honolulu would go for about $1 billion.
When James and I first arrived at the Hawaiian Village three years ago, I wasn't sure how we would like it.
Both shows somehow seem to belong on Waikiki, and, staying at the Hawaiian Village, we briefly belong there, too.