He is also a researcher in the South African economy at the Harvard Center for International Development.
The three-year study, by the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis, was greeted with relief by the beef and meat industries.
He was also director of the malaria epidemiology program at the Harvard Center for International Development.
Christopher Golden, from the Harvard Center for the Environment, US, said the island nation had a rich natural heritage.
But then I read a report issued last month by the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis.
The Harvard Center for International Affairs is bombed to protest the war in Vietnam.
In 1992-1993 he was Visiting Professor at the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies.
"I think he was a typical corporate executive: the bottom line was everything," said Eric Chivian, director of the Harvard Center.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Center for the Study of World Religions.
Used to be at the Harvard Center for Economic Development.