Hart had tried to stop the two mobs from fighting, but was beaten and trampled to death in the confusion of battle that followed.
Hart," she said, "try an orbit that will take us all over the surface, and use high sensor levels to cover any forms of life.
Later, when Hart tried to re-enter the field just before the New Hampshire primary, the first polls showed him well ahead of all the competition.
Hart tried to convince Bulldog that it was wrong to fire Mason but the decision stood.
Hart is trying "to bring Brian back, to let him know he has friends, that the hockey community hasn't forgotten him."
Hart tried to do more than ensure that the customs service provided a steady flow of revenue to the Manchu court.
Hart was trying to extract a bit of information as the price for entering his clubhouse, but Roberto didn't go for it.
Hart was trying to quit heroin using a supply of methadone, but the bottle had leaked.
Hart tried unsuccessfully to trade for the shells with the locals, who then chased Hart and his crew off of the island.
Hart tried a posthypnotic suggestion that the voice would continue to function after the trance, but this proved unsuccessful.