He later drummed for Hanoi Rocks in 1985, before the band broke up that same year.
Suicide made a few guest appearances with the reformed Hanoi Rocks in the 2000s.
Before the group toured they both decided to leave and to join Hanoi Rocks.
The song's are very liked and were the biggest hits of Hanoi Rocks' early career.
It is usually considered one of the best songs by Hanoi Rocks.
Some reviews said that the album was Hanoi Rocks' first real rock record since the 80's.
In late 1984 Hanoi Rocks was on their first American tour.
The band was perceived as being the next stage of Hanoi Rocks.
Klasson was fired from Hanoi Rocks in the fall of 2004 for not getting along with other members.
Hanoi Rocks also brought the glam rock look of the 70s back into style.