However, the Yi dragon is neither similar to dragon in western culture nor the same as that in Han culture.
In Yunnan, some of the Yi have been influenced by Buddhism through the Han culture.
Neither Han culture nor modern technology has made serious inroads here (yet) and nobody, even the villagers themselves, seems sure why their ancient customs stay so well preserved.
Myths in China vary from culture to culture, the most common myths come from the Han culture.
The museum displays provide an important insight into the domestic practices of the Tibetan people, as well as the influence of Han culture on the Tibetans.
Significantly, this was the very first opportunity for local people to learn Han Chinese culture.
As the Han culture developed a broader economic base and grew more socially diverse, the practice of elaborate burial became more democratic.
But since the Han culture slowly infiltrated, the marriage and lineage of the Plains aborigines had started to change and turned into transitional modes.
Other factors contributing to the development of a shared Han culture included urbanization and geographically vast but integrated commodity markets.