At the Hammond Museum and Japanese Stroll Garden here, tranquillity is close at hand.
THE galleries of the Hammond Museum are also the gateway to its main attraction, a Japanese stroll garden.
This audio-visual event was planned, while that at the Hammond Museum here came about by accident.
In winter the Hammond Museum and Stroll Garden is open by appointment only.
Stokely Webster is just such an artist, and in his 80th year he is showing recent works at the Hammond Museum.
Further information can be obtained by calling the Hammond Museum at 669-5033.
The program made a big difference to the Hammond Museum, Ms. Free said.
"Tales of Genji" at the Hammond Museum closes Oct. 23.
The Hammond Museum has exhibitions and concerts, many centered around its four-acre Japanese stroll garden.
At the Hammond Museum here, "Unfolding Visions" displays the results of giving artists "fan paper" to work on.