Lost, they stopped outside the Peairs house, which had Halloween decorations on the door.
It hadn't struck her as odd that they had Halloween decorations up in June.
We'll give you Halloween decorations, crafts, and game ideas to make each party so fun it's scary.
Referring to Halloween decorations, she added, "I don't criticize anyone who wants to do what they want."
"The one with the Halloween decoration on the door."
Before Sept. 11, she had already begun to take the Halloween decorations out of the closet.
It turned out that they worked on developing ice creams which made them too busy to prepare any Halloween decorations.
There were Halloween decorations on the outside of the house, a paper skeleton, a plastic ghost.
Anderson turned in that direction and saw a cat that might have stepped out of a Halloween decoration.
Hang up some vintage-style Halloween decorations for a cozy feeling.