He adds that he returned home after the Halloween dance.
About midweek, the excitement over our first social, the Halloween dance, began building.
Dr. Gresham described an incident last fall when his 11-year-old daughter was asked to go to a Halloween dance sponsored by a school club.
I remember 'cuz she passed out at the Halloween dance.
In one incident, three Yale students were hospitalized this year after arriving intoxicated at a school-sponsored Halloween dance.
"Nomad" proposes that they meet in person at the school's Halloween dance.
He confirms seeing Rosie, but not Jasper, at the Halloween dance.
Rosie is not going on the trip, so Mitch gives her instructions for after the Halloween dance.
She shows him a video of Rosie at the Halloween dance.
She walked, shoulders hunched self-protectively, down the long corridor with its battered lockers and wall posters announcing the Halloween dance in two weeks.