Haitian society has been sharply divided since its independence in 1804.
But we feel Aristide has a very violent language and he is a divisive influence in Haitian society.
He is also the author of other scholarly works on Haitian society.
But the ability of Haitian society to absorb that kind of investment is extremely limited.
"Haitian society in this regard is extremely weak."
The entrenchment of the military in Haitian society has long historical roots.
The effects of the international embargo clearly differ from one sector of Haitian society to another, but no class has been spared.
We seek a peaceful solution to our crisis through social dialogue among the different components of Haitian society.
His father was a preacher who spoke out against inequality in Haitian society.
He added, "The abundance of weapons in this country is a sickness of the whole Haitian society."