All the while, Haitian politics continues, a discourse often carried out at gunpoint.
Others, however, remained to play an influential role in Haitian politics.
Haitian politics have been contentious: in its 200-year history, Haiti has suffered 32 coups.
But instead of receiving a hero's welcome, he was plunged into the turmoil of Haitian domestic politics.
Many times during its history, the band has become intimately involved in Haitian politics.
This accounts for his interference in the day-to-day workings of Haitian politics.
It has been a powerful force in Haitian politics since 1991.
"I know more about Haitian politics than the people coming before me," Judge Slavin said.
But what is most required for its success, many agree, is that rarest commodity in Haitian politics: good will.
"I have too many things to do than to sit around discussing Haitian politics."